Woke Puritanism at the CRTC

Full speed backward: Woke Puritanism has now penetrated even the CRTC to the point the CRTC thinks it can tell Radio-Canada (and CBC) what to say and what not to say down to a single word. This is a CRTC attitude that the law ruled out thirty years ago. Pierre Trudel, Le Devoir July 5th, […]

Waking from Wokism: Inoculating Ourselves against a Mind Virus

“In the end, there is but one race: the human race. Letus unite rather than divide. Let us build rather than destroy.Let us integrate rather than segregate.” – Robertson and Tasca, Free Inquiry, June/July 2022 The full article can be found here: WokeFreeInquiry.pdf (hawkeyeassociates.ca)

The limits of “THE” science of public health

By Yves Gingras Historian and sociologist of science, UQAM Le Devoir, January 17th, 2022 The announcement of Horacio Arruda’s resignation as Quebec’s National Director of Public Health provides an opportunity to revisit the many criticisms of “THE” science to highlight alleged mistakes made at various times over the past two years. While it is to […]

The coronavirus and freedom of expression

The following letter from a Vancouver lawyer representing a nurse facing discipline after speaking publically about regulations under the public health mandate to fight Sars-Cov-2 was discussed among members of the NEP board. We affirm the right to freedom of speech and assembly, and no employee should face discipline for voicing views contrary to those […]

Call to create an Academic Freedom Act

Marco Fortier, Le Devoir, December 15, 2021 An independent commission set up by Quebec’s Minister of Higher Education recommends the adoption of a law on academic freedom to protect professors from censorship and guarantee students’ “right to learn”. “All ideas and subjects without exception can be debated in a rational and argued manner within universities,” […]

The New Puritans

from The Atlantic magazine Social codes are changing, in many ways for the better. But for those whose behavior doesn’t adapt fast enough to the new norms, judgment can be swift—and merciless. By Anne Applebaum Illustrations by Nicolas Ortega “…The Scarlet Letter. As readers of this classic American text know, the story begins after Hester […]

Censored by the American Humanist Association (AHA)

On August 11th, a list of ten questions was posted by Roy Speckardt (Executive Director AHA) on the American Humanist Association blog. « Signs You’re Being Co-Opted by the Far Right » On the 13th of August I posted the following comment: Roy, this list is, unfortunately, proof enough that you have been swept into […]