A Suggestion for a new label for the Dogma which Refuses to be Named.

Since we object to the Pseudo-woke activists’ redefinition of “woman”, “violence”, “aggression”, and “phobia”, so should we object to and refuse to go along with their redefinition of “woke” to mean 100% agreement with the absurd dogma which (among other absurdities) deems Islam to be a progressive, pro-social-justice religion, demands that we accept men who […]

The taboo of fiscal secularism

By Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin Former mayor of Gatineau (2013-2021) La Presse, Montreal, February 15, 2024 Radio-Canada’s programme Enquête recently highlighted the fact that while religious organisations are increasingly short of faithful, they are not short of money. The congregations that were the subject of the Enquête report alone have assets worth nearly a billion dollars. The […]

The sex of our angels

From Jean-François Lisée’s blog Published on 06/19/2023     Translated from French by DeepL and verified by Michel Virard        Image distributed to teachers by the CSQ (TN: Centrale des Syndicats du Québec – mostly a teachers and health workers union). Sex education has made a strong comeback in our schools. Well done. But it’s accompanied by the […]

The fight against Islamophobia is a smoke screen

By Nadia El-Mabrouk* & François Dugué Letter to Le Devoir, March 29, 2023 When the position of Canadian representative against Islamophobia was announced, many of us pointed out the abusive and militant use of this term, which confuses respect for people of Muslim conviction with absolute respect for the precepts of Islam. The latest Angus […]

A plea for respectful robustness

By Jean-François Lisée Le Devoir, January 4th, 2023 I have read many political programmes in my life and helped to write some of them. However, I had never come across a sentence like this: “We agree to disagree: our opponents are not our enemies.“ Nor had I come across any variation of the following statement: […]

Waking from Wokism: Inoculating Ourselves against a Mind Virus

“In the end, there is but one race: the human race. Letus unite rather than divide. Let us build rather than destroy.Let us integrate rather than segregate.” – Robertson and Tasca, Free Inquiry, June/July 2022 The full article can be found here: WokeFreeInquiry.pdf (hawkeyeassociates.ca)