Rights and privileges, the reign of confusion

by Patrick Moreau, Le Devoir, Friday July 28th, 2023 Rights and privileges should not be confused. Rights, in particular “human rights”, are freedoms granted to all citizens of Quebec and Canada; these shared rights are a fundamental condition of the equality that must reign among citizens in a democracy. A privilege, on the other hand, […]

A plea for respectful robustness

By Jean-François Lisée Le Devoir, January 4th, 2023 I have read many political programmes in my life and helped to write some of them. However, I had never come across a sentence like this: “We agree to disagree: our opponents are not our enemies.“ Nor had I come across any variation of the following statement: […]

Faith vs. Science from a Conservative

One of our members received the following letter from Leslyn Lewis and thought the ideas would be worth discussing on this forum. Are Leslie’s ideas as presented here compatible with humanism? Dear Gleb, Are you a person of faith? Or are you a person of science? Or maybe like me, you feel like those words […]

Multiculturalists are mistaken about liberalism

By Sam Haroun, writer Le Devoir, May 31, 2022 They call themselves liberals, but they have an elastic idea of liberalism when it comes to freedom of religion, as if freedom of conscience, the matrix of all freedoms, is exercised differently depending on its field of application: freedom of expression, assembly, demonstration, etc., are subject […]