Wokism cannot ignore critical pluralism

Each year, in the section Le Devoir de philo, we publish an abridged version of the winning text of the Philosopher contest, which is held in the (Quebec) college network. For the 2022 edition, the question was: Is the future woke? Reda Hessi Student at Jean-de-Brébeuf College Le Devoir, January 14th, 2023 “Stay woke”, warned […]

The art of instilling critical thinking in students

Anne-Marie Provost Le Devoir, Montreal, October 22, 2022 Philippe Longchamps, a native of Sherbrooke who has been teaching in Sweden for several years, sometimes likes to confuse his students. After long hours of teaching them the opposite, he claims for a good hour that… the Earth is flat. “I make them believe that I taught […]

For better science trained journalists

By Joël Leblanc Science journalist, president of the Association des communicateurs scientifiques du Québec Le Devoir, January 31st, 2022 Science journalism is like music: you have to learn it if you want to play it. It would never occur to anyone to join a professional orchestra by improvising as a flutist or bass player. Francine […]