Woke ironies: achieving the opposite of its stated goals

In this article originally published in the British journal, Humanistically Speaking, the Edan Tasca of the Centre for Inquiry Canada and I examine the phenomenon of Wokism, which can be understood as a secular religion or as a mind virus that has infected humanist as well as many other organizations. We argue that, to achieve […]

DEI must DIE

Paul Nathanson Submitted: 24 January 2024 Last night, I watched Nazi Town, U.S.A,[1] a documentary on the rise of American Nazi movements during the 1930s, notably the German-American Bund of Fritz Kuhn and the America First Committee of Charles Lindbergh. This is a useful production, because not many people remember these movements. After all, they […]

Censored by the American Humanist Association (AHA)

On August 11th, a list of ten questions was posted by Roy Speckardt (Executive Director AHA) on the American Humanist Association blog. « Signs You’re Being Co-Opted by the Far Right » On the 13th of August I posted the following comment: Roy, this list is, unfortunately, proof enough that you have been swept into […]

Don’T Ban CRT. Expose it.

Andrew Sullivan nails it. Banning CRT accomplishes nothing except to harden the resolve of its proponents. Far better is to expose its racist nature and shake the woke-bamboozled public out of its delusion that Woke is about anti-racism or social justice. It is not. It is about a cult of self-aggrandizing pseudo-intellectuals using a progressive-sounding […]

Year of the Virus: Understanding the contagion effects of wokism

February 22, 2021Author: Dr. Lloyd Hawkeye Robertson, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Individual Publication Date: February 22, 2021Web Domain: http://www.nep-humanism.caWords: 8,018 Abstract Wokism has become a major force in Western political culture with manifestations in Black Lives Matter, transgenderism, cancel culture, political correctness and various social justice movements. Examinations of this phenomenon have focused […]