DEI must DIE

Paul Nathanson Submitted: 24 January 2024 Last night, I watched Nazi Town, U.S.A,[1] a documentary on the rise of American Nazi movements during the 1930s, notably the German-American Bund of Fritz Kuhn and the America First Committee of Charles Lindbergh. This is a useful production, because not many people remember these movements. After all, they […]

Sexuality and Gender Discussion

A PUBLIC CONSULTATION DRAFT Position Statement GEORGE HEWSON The New Enlightenment Project offers the following analysis and points for discussion based on our respect for science and the free exchange of ideas. We believe that policies derived from these ideas would promote justice and human dignity. NEP POSITION IN BRIEF There are two sexes as […]

Interviewed: Carey Linde, lawyer and activist.

Carey Linde, former 60s radical, was the first lawyer in Canada to live and practice on reserve, the first to introduce the concept of shared parenting between divorced parents in family law, and the first to defend a parent in a transgender case. He has been in trouble with the authorities more than once. For […]

The sex of our angels

From Jean-François Lisée’s blog Published on 06/19/2023     Translated from French by DeepL and verified by Michel Virard        Image distributed to teachers by the CSQ (TN: Centrale des Syndicats du Québec – mostly a teachers and health workers union). Sex education has made a strong comeback in our schools. Well done. But it’s accompanied by the […]